Thursday, November 25, 2010

Rivers in Galkot (Dharam and Gaudi)

                  There is no doubt that Nepal is blessed with natural beauty and diversity. Galkot a place situated in mid western pate of Baglung district which is full of natural beauty. There are many natural resources in Galkot. Among them water resource is more important sources of Galkot. There are more than fifty big and small rivers in Galkot. Among them Dharam and Gaudi rivers are big and more important rivers in Galkot. Dhram River is located in the center of between Hatiya and Harichor Bazar. It follows form north east to south west. At the bank of the river there is big plane area where farmers cultivate. From the Dharam river local people product electric and provide different part of the Galkot area.
Beautiful water Fall
                     Gaudi River is another big river in Galkot. It is follows north side of Hatiya Bazar and south side of Narathai Bazar. They flow cautiously making a sweet music. In bank of the rivers there is big plane area. In local language is call Majuwo fath. It soil is very fertile. So, the rivers are contributing to lots of farmers. It plays a vital role in the agricultural development in Galkot. We can find more than one hundred different kinds of fish in these rivers. From these rivers people generating electricity so, more than 40% people take benefits from this electricity. Bank of the Dhram and Gaudi rivers is suitable for picnic. So, some people are going to picnic at the bank of the rivers. Students used to have physical education class for a hour a daily. During the summer season people go for swimming and fishing in Dharam and Gaudi rivers in raining seasons there is possible to do Rafting in the both rivers. So they are the gift which is given by nature.

              In Galkot there is one interesting thing is a natural waterfall. In local language is called Gaigat jharana. Its meaning is that it has emerged from atone. Nobody could stay without dealing spell bong seeing this. It sounds quite different that waterfall has fallen from stone and it is great mystery that how the water emerged from stone and it is falling continuously. Evers years there lots of tourist come to see and observe. In Galkot there are others streaming which flows only the raining season.

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