Thursday, November 25, 2010

Naming of Galkot: -

Galkot Name is Given After This Stone
                  In Galkot’s Hatiya .V.D.C there is one famous historical kotghar it is old palace of 24th state. In present it is remain as a famous tample. Near it there is another famous devi tample like pagoda shape. In local language it is call maithan. It is the second place where the chaitra dashani festival is organize then the baglung devi temple (Devi temple) in front of it there is a round stone shape like plate where blood is collects of scapegoating animals for Devi. Galkot name is given after it. Which stone is shown in this blog.
             Galkot is fulfilling place by its own cultural, geographical, social and biological. There is many herbs, herbal plants, fruits and so on. In geographical view there many hills, plains and slope Area Rivers, forest etc. in social aspect there is multi- cast, Ethnic group.

                    From the past Galkot is economically good which is proved by mines available here. Many village names also established by names of mines such as Dharamkhani, Pandavkhani, Rangkhani, Sishakhani, Stonkhani and so on. We can find coppers, irons glasses mines in Galkot area. By smelling mud or soil people discovers many mine techniques was already hare. It is consider as a store house of coal and stones mines. In Galkot there is running some small cottage industries base on local raw material. If it is and developing according to the modern technology there is so possibility to occupies the world market. The main occupation of Galkot is agricultural. Some people involve in social service and some are become job holder in government office as well as some are going to abroad for a Job. People use a traditional method for production of crops. They use traditional means oxen to plough the field. Which picture is shown in this blog? The main croups are Maize, wheat, Paddy, Millet, Barley etc.

                      It is consider romantic place from the view of biological and natural form. It is surrounded by big and small mountain such as Ghailung,sivapuri Gaja, Nelula, kalilakh etc. We can find various types of forest, herbs, and animals such as tiger, Deer, Ghoral, Chita, and Birds such as lophophorius, Munal, kalies and different kinds of flower such as Rhondonderon. In herbal we find Biss (poision), satuwa, panchaula, silijet etc found here.

                     Here we can find many religious things and instruments which reminds us Maharabhata age. People now also have religious belief in such things. For example Pandavkhani is named because pandave lived here in certain circumstance, Kuntimather’s temple which was built in remembers of Pandava’s mother Kunti, grinding mil which was used by Bhimshen which also remains as a large statue. Bhimshen stick which was used by Bhimshen which reflect religious and historical matters. Hare some famous religious or pilgrims place such as siddhababa which is lacated Ghumta, Devi temple and khadaka tample(store house of old weapons) which is located top place of Hatiya VDC kotmaidan. Rudralake which is located in Gaja lakh etc. all these places carries owns character and important.

                       The social structure of Galkot is romantic. Hare many people of different races, ethnic, groups, casts are find. Major cast and ethnic are Brahamin, Cheetri. Other is Thakuri, Kumal Thakali, Gurung, Magar, Sharki, Gaina, Newar, Damai and so on. All casts have their own original occupation, lifestyle, religion and culture. They respect each other. We can find unity among many casts. They have their own festival. When they organized the program all the people of different cast take equally participation. People observe much festival like Lakhanach, Hanumannach, Gaijatra etc.

                  We can develop this in scientific method; Galkot can be Tourism area, tracking area, observation area religious place and observation place for anthropologist and sociologist. It also place for creation of art to the artist. So some people of Galkot area write poem, songs story about the Galkot.

                    Some part of Galkot is electrified by Nepal Electricity Authority and some other remains part of the Galkot electrified by small local Hydro plants. So, almost part of Galkot is electrified. The people use electricity instead of lamp. They use rice cooker, heater, iron and other electrical instruments in their house work. It makes the life easy.

                     From five years ago Galkot is directly connected to headquarter of Baglung in the east and four years ago. It’s directly connected with Burtibang in the west by the raw road. Here is the facility of telephone from three years ago. Nepal telecom is providing the mobile service from two years ago. Every person has the mobile phone. Most of the people of Galkot are go to abroad for searching jobs. The mobile service they close. One year is ago Galkot has connected by the internet. More than ten educational institutes, health care centers and about 15 users from three different villagers has used the internet at first phase this service has help the students and villagers in a very effective way. Students are very much interested in surfing the net and they solve their problems through the internet, while the villagers are happy to use net-phone. So, the people can talk with their relatives who living in foreign country. There is another planning to setup Telemedicine service in Harichour, Galkot where Model Hospital Kathmandu will be connected through the network of Nepal Wireless. In Galkot there is facility of television which is supplying by the Baglung cabul supplier through the cabul. From past there is a facility of traditional means of communication post office and police station, health care center as well as some private clinic also here.The Lovely sport of Galkot is Volleyball. The others games sports are football, Basketball, Tabletaniss, Titiball ect.

People celebreating Tihar Festival
                       In Galkot many festivals are celebrate such Dashain, Tihar, Magasakariti, janaepurnima, Teej, Chhatra Dashain Muslim festival Id etc. Among them Dashain and Tihar are Major festival. Like other part of the Nepal Dashain and Tihar are the biggest festivals of Galkot, peoples flying a kite. In Dashain people of Galkot worship a Nova Durga until ten days. They go Devi temple to worship Durga Vawani.In the tenth day of Dashain they people take tika and jamara from their elder person. In Tihar people worship Laxmi, Goddess of wealth, sacred cows, and bull- oxen. Every house, temple and building are graced by row of light.In Tihar sisters worship their brothers and put seven colors Tika on their forehead and bless them for healthy long life and brothers also give them special gifts to their sisters. People go door to door to sing Tihar’s songs Vailo, so the Tihar make us ramantic. In the accusation of Dashain different dashain festivals are orginazed. In Galkot in different time different kinds of fair is organize such as Ghumte festival which is organize in 2063,Dashain festival which is organize every Dashain I Asbin, Chhatra dashain festival which is orginaze in month of chhatra.

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